

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly That Belong In The Selfish And Inconsiderate Hall Of Fame

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly
14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly...

1.This person who lives in 111A makes parking impossible for his neighbor in 111B (who took the photo).

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

2.This oblivious individual who is 1) parked crooked/over the line and 2) so oblivious that they actually complained on Twitter about the other person’s parking.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

3.This person taking up FOUR spots in a shopping center lot.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

4.This car’s decal that has the audacity to say the words “quality parking.”

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

5.This car blocking someone from getting in or out of their driveway.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

6.This person whose car is blocking mail from being delivered.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

7.This person in the red car who is parked within the lines, yet found a note on their car suggesting they “learn how to fucking park.”

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

8.The person who parked like this. Yep, they’re actually parked that far off the curb and in the street, no big deal!

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

9.This monster.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

10.This demon.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

11.This trio of double-parked ghouls.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

12.This truck making life difficult for anyone using that snowy sidewalk.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

13.This car that parked blocking the path for medical personnel to get to and from this helicopter landing pad.

14 Photos Of People Parked Terribly

14.And finally, this poorly parked person who has a baby and a lot of nerve.

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